"Inspiring to Do Better, Live Better and to Be Better"

If I can say it, I can have it!
If I can believe it, I can receive it.
If I think I can't, I probably won't.
But If I think I can; believe me, I will!
The Hour of Power

Wednesday & Friday 

7pm CST

"The Books you read and the people with whom you associate, often dictate future habits."

Pastor E.W. Whitfield

Superintendent Earnest W. Whitfield is a second generation in the "Church Of God In Christ." His mother, the late Lela K. Whitfield, Hillsboro District Missionary accepted, her call to teach God's word in 1960. Her question was, "Lord, where do you want me to start?" Her answer came back to her, "Start in your home."

That Monday night she taught her first lesson in their home to her family. Earnest Whitfield was eleven years old, but he understood the gospel message and accepted Christ as his personal Saviour that night. In 1961 he accepted his call to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Since 1961, Earnest W. Whitfield served as Assistant to the pastor for Elder O. L. Nichols at the Nichols Temple COGIC in Itasca, Texas. In the early 1970s, he became the assistant to Dr. C. J. Jones, who pastored the Emmanuel Temple, COGIC, Hillsboro, Texas.

He served in different district capacities as a member in the Hillsboro District, COGIC, Inc. In 1981, Earnest W. Whitfield was ordained by Bishop J. N. Haynes; Prelate of the "Texas Northeast  First  Jurisdiction," Church Of God In Christ.

That same year, he began his first pastorate in Alvarado, Texas at the Little Saint Luke, COGIC. The Church was renamed, "Faith Memorial, Church Of God In Christ, Outreach Ministries"

In 1984, Pastor Whitfield was appointed Assistant Superintendent of the Hillsboro District, under the late Superintendent J. L. Carter. In January of 1994, Pastor Whitfield was appointed Superintendent of the Hillsboro District, Texas Northeast Jurisdiction. He presently serves in this capacity.

Pastor Whitfield received the call of God to begin a new ministry in Hillsboro, Texas. He eventually heeded the call and Founded "The Potter's House Experience," Church Of God In Christ, December 2007, in the city of Hillsboro, Texas,

where he is presently pastoring.

In His many years of ministry, Pastor Whitfield has an urgent need to address "Developing Healthy Homes; Developing Health Churches and Developing Health Communities.